Saturday, January 27, 2007

Baby Tunic

This is another Christmas gift that I made for my niece. I had no plans on really knitting it, but I came across a sample of it knitted up at my LYS and I fell in love with the simplicity of it. I'm usually don't like acrylic yarn, but the colors looked fun for my niece's darker completion and I figured there would be less chance of it being ruined during it being washed. I knit it in a whirlwind and had it all completed but the hood in the matter of a day and a half. Then it sat around for a few weeks before I finished it up prior to Christmas.

Pattern- Knitting Pure & Simple- Baby Tunic

Needles- Addi size 7 and 6

Yarn- Plymouth Encore Colorspun-Jewel -This is the true color of it- the other photos are really dark.

Notes: Although the 12 month size called for 425 yards, I used less than 400 yards (2 skeins). I also did not put the drawstring in the hood for safety reasons. I wasn't sure how I should do it since I didn't plan on putting in the drawstring, but I'm glad I knit it up as the pattern directed for the drawstring casing because it gave some structure the the edge of the hood.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Shifting Sands

Here's more of my catching up. This was my favorite item I made for Christmas. Once I got the pattern down it was such a pleasure to knit and it really was beautiful to watch it grow in length. It was the perfect blend of beautiful yarn, great needles to knit it on, and a pattern that was easy to memorize, but not boring.

Dad’s scarf-

Pattern-Shifting Sands- Grumperina-

Yarn- Zarina-merino extrafine- in a steel grey color

Needle-Size 5 Bryspun Needles

Thoughts: I loved this pattern. I'd knit it up again in a second. If you have given half a thought to wanting to knit this I'd encourage you to take the plunge. It looks spectacular knit up, maybe even too spectacular because it hardly looks like it was hand knit.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Christina sent a wonderful Mitt Kit package filled with all sorts of super suprises!

She made me a beautiful and creative bag, a big felted mitten to hold all of the goodies. At first I thought that she might have gotten the idea off of me living in MI (since we are always doing the hand thing), but I soon realized that she lives within a half hour of me and that she had creatively based the mitten bag on the swap. The pattern she sent me for the Anemoi Mittens couldn't have been more perfect. I love Eunny's work and was drooling over this exact mitten pattern since she posted it. Chrisina could have not have found me a more perfect pattern in all the world. She also found me wonderful little goodies to enjoy, Burt's bees, a fun dinosaur measuring tape, yummy Godiva chocolate that is all but gone, a fun sheep pin, finishing needles, and two pairs of knitting needles. Christina, Thank you so much for such a wonderful swap!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Squishy Dolly and Catching Up

I'’ve been pondering what to make my niece for her first birthday. I was in the bookstore the other day looking for a new knitting book, when I came across a book that had a lot of cute baby items in it. Unfortunately, I don'’t remember the name of the book, but I made a quick sketch of this little doll, improvised, and sewed it up this morning. I think she turned out pretty cute. She'’s about 6 inches tall.

I've been horrible about blogging lately. It started off with not posting about the Christmas gifts I was making because I didn't want the recipients to see them before they received them, and then it turned into a bit (or lets be honest, a huge) slump. So, I've got a bunch of finished objects and a wonderful swap I received to post on that I'm going to try real hard at getting up this week.