Monday, November 06, 2006

Knit Mitt Kit Swap

I recently entered the Knit Mitt Kit Swap on Swapbot. I'm really excited to participate in this swap. I had wanted to participate in the last one they held and missed the cut off date. Here's my questionnaire.

Are you allergic to any fibers? Nope
What are your favorite colors? Purple and earthy colors. Lately, I've also been on a red and orange kick.

Are you a new mitt knitter? How long have you been knitting mittens? I've made one pair of mittens and two pairs of fingerless mitts. The most recent pair I made were Fetching from Knitty. I made them for a swap, but I liked them so much I plan on making another pair for myself.

Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn? I like both. I probably knit more with solids.

What fibers do you prefer in mitten yarn? Natural fibers.

Where do you usually knit mittens? I knit at home, at work on my lunch hour, and anywhere else I get a chance.

How do you usually carry/store small projects? I made a small drawstring bag that I love using for small projects and socks. Before that I was using Ziplock bags- not so beautiful, but very convenient.

What are your favorite mitten patterns? I'm not sure if I have a favorite. I've recently broke into fair isle, and enjoyed that. I also enjoy cables. I'm sure my spoiler will come up with something great.

What are your favorite mitten knitting techniques? I'm not sure that I know any that are particular to mitten knitting. I recently tried out using a long circular for socks and I have to say that I'm a dpn girl.

What new techniques would you like to try? I'm always up for learning something new.

What are your favorite needles for knitting mittens? I have a pair of Lantern Mood DPNs that I just love.
What are some of your favorite yarns? Natural fibers

What yarn do you totally covet? I'm not sure, I'm always finding something new to fall in love with.

Favorite kind of needles (brand, materials, straights or circs, etc)? I like circs for most things, and dpn for socks or anything that is small enough to be knit in the round. I love my Addis and Lantern Moons for certain projects. For knitting socks, I usually use Brintney 5".

If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be? Not sure, something practical with a little fun I guess.
Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack? I love good chocolate.

What is your favorite animal? I'm not sure that I have one, but I'm really fond of made up ones like Ice Bat from the Ugly Dolls.
Would you prefer super warm mittens or something more like fingerless mitts? Surprise me. I'd enjoy either.

If you were a color what color would you be? Purple

What is your most inspiring image, flower, or object in nature? Maybe, a big old weathered oak.

Do you have a wishlist? Nope