Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pink for a little girl...

I finished these several months ago, before my DD was born, but hadn't done the finishing work on them, so I pulled them out today and put on the buttons and the ribbons and now they are ready to go. They are still too big for her, but it won't be long and she'll be ready for them.

Pattern: Knitting for Two, Lacy Bonnet
Yarn: Debbie Bliss, Baby Cashmarino
Needles: 3 and 5 Addis

I knit this and the booties that follow out of one skien of yarn. I love the little star on the back of this. Maybe someday I'll figure out how to use it on the top of a baby hat. Until then I have my eyes on the baby shedir. I even have a skien of Rowan Calmer in my stash that I got on sale thinking I'd make another regular Shedir as a gift.

Pattern: Knitting for Two, Dainty Booties
Yarn: Debbie Bliss, Baby Cashmarino
Needles: 5 Addi

These turned out so cute the first time that I thought I'd make another pair for my little girl.

Heartbreakingly Cute Baby Kimono

Pattern: Heartbreakingly Cute Baby Kimono, Mason Dixon Knitting
Needle: Size 8, Addi
Yarn: TLC Cotton Plus

I was inspired to knit this little sweater after seeing the rainbow of them here. It's just what my dd needs since it’s still a little cool in our home for her with the AC on and she has so many sleeveless summer outfits right now. Unfortunately, It turned out to be a 0-3 month size, so it’s still too big for her. It knit up really quick and the finishing seemed to be the most labor intensive part. For some reason, I can never seam garter stitch and make the seams disappear, but after redoing the seams on this several times, I think I got it figured out. Since it was a quick, fun little knit, I think that I might try making another one but change it so it will fit her now.

Dementor Costume

For the release of the last Harry Potter book, the town I live in had a Harry Potter party. They decorated shops as different places in the book and had competitions and events related to the book. My husband wanted to dress up with our niece and nephew. Our niece won for the best Hermonie costume and our nephew was a young Harry Potter. DH decided that he wanted to be a dementor and found this pattern (#9887)that he thought would work perfectly. The best of two days later and over 9 ½ yards of material…

Saturday, August 11, 2007

grocery tote and a wip

I was browsing the web the one day and found this tutorial and decided that I just HAD to make this bag. I have to admit the fact that there was a perfect little bag that this bag could fit into that even attached to the handle so I don't loose it made it the perfect bag. I instantly thought of a small scrap of material that I just love that was left from another project. I used that for the main part of the bag, the blue striped for the gusset, and a chocolate brown for the inside.

I really like the size of the bag and the fact that it easily fits on my shoulder. The padded handles are nice, but I doubt that I’ll ever carry anything in it heavy enough that they are needed. In fact if I made another of these, I’d only use one layer instead of two for the handle, mainly so it would fold a little more compactly. I love the little carrying bag that it fits in, but I had the hardest time figuring out the directions. Of course, I thought about it forever and tried to visualize it, but it wasn’t until I finished it-slightly wrong I might add-that it was all clear.

When I found this tutorial I thought that I could sew it up in a couple of hours, but it took about twice that, of course the second time around it would go a lot smoother and would be a lot quicker of a project. I'm sure that I'll be making more of these in the future.

The Ripples in Time from Inspired Cable Knits is currently on my needles. It’s a little slow going since it is in such fine yarn. I like the way it is knitting up, but some how I got a little off track and the sleeves seem to be two different lengths. Now I need to decide which one is right and rip the other one back.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Finishing touches

I finished this sweater a quite a while ago, but until last night it was missing it's buttons. Now it looks just right for my dd (other than she needs to grow a quite a bit before it will fit). The details of the sweater are here.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

It's been a long, long time....

I'm back! I know it has been a while, but I'm back on track in knitting and crafting...It’s been about 6 months since my last post. During that time, I had a little girl, 2 months premature. She's now 2 months old and doing really well.

I found this adorable wash cloth pattern on Knitty and decided in a second that I just HAD to make it. In fact, I started with big plans of how I’d make several, one for my DD and several for friends children but, then I made the first one. I love the finished item, but it was rough knitting on my hands with the cotton so it seems this lion will be a lonely one.

Pattern: Knitty, Grrr, by Alice Bell

Needles: Size 5, Bryson

Yarn: SRK CoolSpun Cotton- orange