Sunday, July 09, 2006

Trellis, Oh Lovely Trellis...

Pattern: Trellis, size 12 mo., Knitty,

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sock Knitting Bag

A bit ago, I read about the Knit Sock Kit Swap and thought it was such a fun idea. Unfortunately, I missed the entrance date to participate. I keep checking out the site though, because there is a lot of interesting ideas and stuff there. I got to thinking that even though I’m not a part of the swap; I could make my own fun knit sock bag. Maybe it’s even better this way, because I’ll be sure to like my new sock knitting bag. So, I was off to Jo-Ann’s for fun material yesterday and today after about 3 hours, I have my new cheerful sock bag.

I didn’t use a pattern. I roughly based it on Trek Casts On dimensions. I’ve made bags like this before and I really like making them so that the inside material comes out over the top of the bag. I was going to make all the outside the same color, but then started playing around with it and liked it better with the bottoms of the inside and outside bag being reversed.