Sunday, June 25, 2006

More Crocheted Flowers

I made a two more, one for me and one for my mom. She’ll enjoy wearing it to her garden club meetings. Each one gets a little quicker.

The trellis is pretty much finished. I need to put it together yet and pick up stitches for the collar. This is where I usually get, and then it sits stewing for a while until I get in the mood for seaming. Actually, a couple of days ago I was in the mood and I spent a couple of hours on it. The pattern has you kitchener the front sides to the back. Well, I did it three times but each time I didn’t like the way it looked. I’m not sure if there is a better way to do it, but I had stockinette stitches over the shoulder and I didn’t like how it broke the pattern of the cables. I finally decided to bind off the stitches and seam them and I didn’t check that I had the right side lined up to the back. Unfortunately, just as I thought I was done, I realized that I’d gotten them backwards. Needless to say I had to rip it all out. Maybe in a couple of days, I’ll be ready to give it another go.